1. Not planning. "I don't know what my triggers are, what my danger situations are that cause me to lose my healthy focus or want to overeat."
Fix: Take ten minutes every night before bedtime to plan your schedule and your diet for the next day. Include accomplishing the single most effective thing you could reasonably do to help you lose weight and get healthy. Consider possible food and eating triggers you might run into and plan a workaround.
2. Fixing mood with food. "I'm feeling blue, so let's have cake."
Fix: Eat healthy food regularly throughout the day. Make sure you have supportive people in your life to talk to and reach out to them. Conversely, make sure you are truly supportive of others, too, as it can do wonders for your mood. Get professional help if you need it.
3. Avoiding exercise. "I'll start that workout routine next week..."
Fix: Start slowly, perhaps start by walking a little daily, if only for ten minutes. Check out the types of exercise that take only a few minutes a week (high intensity training) if time is an issue, or conversely those that are easiest, like walking, if the stress and strain of exercise is an issue.
4. Looking for the next big fat fix. "As soon as I start my gym membership, or new diet technique, I'll be able to really start losing weight."
Fix: Right now ask yourself what you will do today or tomorrow that will most effectively move you toward health. Write it down in your evening planning session. Ask this same question again every evening.
5. Dreaming about sugary food/junk food. "Mmmm, donuts!"
Fix: Without waiting, eat a pickle, some celery with peanut butter, an avocado, etc. Keep these and other healthy snacks around to head off cravings, which lead to poor food choices.
6. Swinging your insulin. "I'm going to eat lots of sugar/simple carbs, even though I may not feel so energetic a half hour after."
Fix: Learn what foods cause these swings for you, try stabilizing supplements like cinnamon and chromium. In your nightly planning session, always plan frequent healthy eating throughout the day.
7. Packing in junk food during a hunger attack. Acting like a "Cookie Monster."
Fix: Plan for eating quality food before you are really hungry. Develop better awareness of your body's subtle hunger clues. Eat a reasonable amount slowly, and then wait at least 20 minutes before you eat more.
8. Allowing poor food buying habits. "Oh, that looks gooooood...I need three...!"
Fix: Hit the healthy fresh food sections of the grocery store first. Only go to the store after you've eaten well. Have plans and recipes for fixing fresh healthy meals and smaller frequent health snacks to keep you happy all day.
Cody Cross is a passionate investigator of fat and weight loss techniques including the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. He runs successful websites dedicated to exposing the strengths and weaknesses of various weight and fat loss programs. To get little known tricks for how to lose fat and many more details on this program, go to Cody's site: XtremeFatLossReview.org
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cody_Cross
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Cody Cross
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MLA Style Citation:Cross, Cody".".31 Jan. 2012EzineArticles.com.3 Feb. 2012
Cross, C. (2012, January 31). . Retrieved February 3, 2012, from http://ezinearticles.com/?The-8-Stupidest-Fat-Loss-Mistakes-People-Make-and-How-to-Avoid-Them&id=6852301Chicago Style Citation:
Cross, Cody "." EzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?The-8-Stupidest-Fat-Loss-Mistakes-People-Make-and-How-to-Avoid-Them&id=6852301EzineArticles.com© 2012 EzineArticles.com
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