Thursday, March 8, 2012

'3-3-3' - Losing Weight The Easy Way

ByDiann Clark

Expert Author Diann Clark

Weight loss is not all about diets, chemical-laden diet pills, starving yourself and extreme exercise. It's about making a change to your lifestyle in a natural way. It's about making those daily choices that will take you in the right direction day after day.

Making a change in lifestyle will affect the lasting change you are looking for. Once you make that switch from the latest fad diet to a change in life style, you will not only find a lower body weight, but peace of mind, as well. You won't constantly be worrying about your weight!

Following is my easy 3-Step Program I call my '3-3-3' Weight Loss System:
Eat 3 small meals a day (keeps your metabolism moving)Eat 3 healthy snacks a day (keeps your metabolism moving)Get out and 'move' 3+ times a week (doing anything)

Drink water (6+ glasses)

This is not rocket science. We all know this - it just has to 'sink in' that once you start on this path you will lose weight, feel better and be healthier! That's it! In addition, however, there are other tweaks that we can also make such as taking the right vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements.

At certain periods of the year, in addition to the '3-3-3', for example after Christmas when I gained a couple of pounds, I like to use all-natural Slimming/Weight Loss products. They consist of Slimming Patches, Soaks and Internal Formulas. These products help me suppress my appetite, increase my metabolism, remove excess fat and more... all naturally!

So, will 'natural weight loss' be your choice this year? Think slow, yet steady... it's the healthy alternative.

Don't Weaken... Give It 21 Days

If you find after a few days you are already starting to weaken, don't throw in the proverbial towel on 2012. Make this YOUR year of lasting change.

We often give up on the goals we set for ourselves because they appear hard to achieve. Attempting too many changes at one time can be overwhelming and usually we give up - which can set up an unhealthy pattern. It's sort of like trying to turn a cruise ship around in 5 minutes - just won't happen!

To make any change to your life, not only for weight loss, try this:
Take one or two simple steps and do them for at least 21 daysThen add one or two more simple changes and do those for 21 days while still continuing to do the first one or two.

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we will not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha

Diann Clark is co-founder of Ancient Herbal Secrets, an all-natural product company. Ancient Herbal Secrets carries formulas for Health, Beauty and Longevity which help to balance and harmonize your body.

These secret (Bi Bong) formulas have been recently introduced to the West. They have benefited thousands of people around the world. We feature Skin Care to Pain Relief, Weight Loss, Stress Relief, Detoxification and more.

Ancient Herbal Secrets

Please visit the above link to find out more about these amazing products.

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Health and Fitness: Weight-Loss
Diann Clark

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MLA Style Citation:
Clark, Diann".".23 Jan. Feb. 2012 .APA Style Citation:
Clark, D. (2012, January 23). . Retrieved February 3, 2012, from­3-­3-­-­-­Losing-­Weight-­The-­Easy-­Way&id=6836590Chicago Style Citation:
Clark, Diann "."­3-­3-­-­-­Losing-­Weight-­The-­Easy-­Way&© 2012
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