Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lose Body Fat Quickly ? How to Lose Body Fat Quickly and Permanently?

0 commentsPosted on 19th June 2011 by admin in Losing Body FatBody, Lose, Permanently, quickly

Lose Body Fat Quickly ? How to Lose Body Fat Quickly and Permanently?

How would you feel, if you just imagined for a moment that you were your ideal weight. If you were like me, just the above thought itself would make you exhilarated. Only the folks who are over weight know how bad it feels to be the way we are and how longing we are to lose our extra body fat quickly.

If you search the net for the term “lose weight”, you would get millions and millions of web pages promising you this and that and most probably even the moon. There are chances that you would probably be enticed to those eye catching slogans: lose 100lbs in 01 week or lose this much of weight within 2 days etc etc;

Following tips are very powerful and effective in losing weight permanently.

Always chew your food. Take your time and concentrate on your food while you eat. Do not eat while watching TV or reading. Then you would not know what you put in to your mouth. Chewing your food fully will benefit you in two ways. One, by taking more time to chew your food, you would actually eat less than the normal amount. Two, you are satisfied with the quality of food since you are concentrating on it. This would help to leave out junk food.

Eat more vegetables and fewer carbohydrates. Fill up your plate with more vegetables. Once you get used to this you naturally will eat less of carbohydrates of the main course. Every thing is a habit and this too can be cultivated.

A recent study compared two groups of people. One group kept a daily food journal and the other did not. The group that kept the journal lost twice as much fat

Drink extra water ½ hour before the main course. This would make you consume less food during the main course.

Do not eat while you are in a blue mood. This would make you eat more to cover up the low energy state you are in. Try to drink pure water as much as possible, when you are feeling low. Water is a great balancer of negative and positive energy states.

Last but not least, try to take the stair case as much as possible than the lift.


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About MeThis is me AFTER getting back in shape

Hi all, thanks for visiting my website – a little about me:

I’m a software developer in Wisconsin. I have 2 wonderful kids and a beautiful wife. My hobbies include: biking and running, surfing the web (I a technology geek), and doing playing with my children.

I hope my website helps you lose body fat, get in shape, and feel better about yourself. It took me a few years to get this figured out so hopefully I can save you some time and effort.

Here’s to getting healthy!!

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