Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Turbulence Training Seminar – Part 1 of 21

1 commentPosted on 16th August 2011 by admin in UncategorizedPart, Seminar, Training, Turbulence

CLICK HERE for a FREE WORKOUT!! Obesity is on the rise as more and more individuals continue to struggle with their weight. Often times, we look for the quick fix that will magically help us achieve our dream body, such as the new fad diet, or the latest abs gizmo, or even those metabolism boosters that promise to burn fat all day long! I’m not going to tell you anything revolutionary here, but if you’re counting on any of those to solve your weight gain problem, then you’re looking in the wrong place. But, it’s not your fault because marketers for years have tried selling us on the merits of all of these how are we really to know? The real key to fat loss is shifting to a motivational mindset. If you want fat loss results, then you must develop the proper mindset. 1) You need to understand that fat loss isn’t easy. You can’t expect miracles or results right away. Fat is easy to put on, but requires a lot of effort to keep off. The best method for permanently beating the bulge is to take baby steps. Introduce incremental changes to your current lifestyle each day. Over time these small changes will begin to form a pattern that will lend way to a habit that becomes a way of life for you. 2) Secondly, change is hard for anyone. However, the changes you need to make to realize your fat loss goals comprise just a small percentage of your lifetime as a whole. So, take the time to lay a foundation for a lifetime of goodness. 3) The people …


geonloz says:

Excellent series. Intelligent, science based, no “right way wrong way” bullshit. Lots of common sense and practical effective advice. Why can’t more “trainers” have this approach??? instead of the “quackery” we encounter every day and the misleading information about eating and exercise.

16th August 2011 at 6:44 pm

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About MeThis is me AFTER getting back in shape

Hi all, thanks for visiting my website – a little about me:

I’m a software developer in Wisconsin. I have 2 wonderful kids and a beautiful wife. My hobbies include: biking and running, surfing the web (I a technology geek), and doing playing with my children.

I hope my website helps you lose body fat, get in shape, and feel better about yourself. It took me a few years to get this figured out so hopefully I can save you some time and effort.

Here’s to getting healthy!!

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